Code of Conduct

Snowmass is a DPF sponsored activity, therefore we embrace the DPF Core Principles and Community Guidelines (CP&CG) as a code of conduct for our event.

A slide to show at the start of sessions can be found here. If you need to contact the Code-Of-Conduct team, made up of members of the DPF Ethics committee, please email

We encourage everyone to read the CP&CG. It has 3 parts:

  • Core principles: what our community values most
  • Community guidelines: expectations of behavior
  • Accountability: procedures with an emphasis on early intervention for the wellbeing of all community members

The CP&CG is everyone’s responsibility:

  • You can invoke the CP&CG to ensure constructive participation by everyone
  • You can discuss possible violations with your conveners or meeting hosts
  • You can discuss directly with the subset of the Ethics Task Force which forms the CP&CG response team.

For a deep dive into the CP&CG, please see this recording of the CP&CG training for Snowmass conveners (slides).